Some unique Radio Fox Show Features

The Radio Fox presenters are mad….  about music.  And to prove that below is a selection of the features dreamed up by our music mad presenters.  All the features can be found in our weekly shows.

Feature:  The A to Z Of One Hit Wonders
Show:  The 6-2-8 Show
When:  Every Monday night: 6pm to 8pm
Presenter:  Michael Lord

Our definition of a One Hit Wonder is an artist who has had only one top ten hit and nothing else – ever! Each artist has two years to achieve a second hit before they qualify for a place on the dreaded list. Every Monday evening, since 2009, we plough our way through hundreds of one-hit wonders on the
6-2-8 Show – in alphabetical order, of course, although occasionally we have to back track down the alphabet to play an artist that has recently qualified.  At time of writing we are on number 319.
Click Here to see the complete list of One Hit Wonders.  Go make yourself a pot of tea, it is a long list.

Feature:  The Best Record You’ve Never Heard
Show:  Tuesday Late Night Radio Fox
When:  Every Tuesday 10pm until Midnight
Presenter:  Alan T.

Avid collector Alan T has spent years collecting records, many became hits, some did not. Every Tuesday Alan T dusts off an obscure record from his own collection. Usually one that was big on the dancefloor but missed out on the charts. Or maybe one that was big in America but passed the UK charts by. Or maybe one that was released last week and has disappeared without trace. The common factor is no one has heard of them and they all sound great – the question is why wasn’t it a hit?


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